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Lycian Road Hike

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25-01-2024 31-12-2024 0 0


The Fethiye Lycian Road Hike, also known as the Lycian Way, is a popular long-distance hiking trail that stretches along the coast of southwestern Turkey.

1. Trail Overview: The Lycian Way is a 540-kilometer (335-mile) long-distance trail that starts in Fethiye and ends in Antalya. The trail passes through diverse landscapes, including coastal cliffs, mountain ranges, pine forests, and ancient ruins. It offers stunning views of the Mediterranean Sea and provides a unique opportunity to explore the historical and natural sites of the Lycian region.

2. Fethiye Section: The Fethiye section of the Lycian Way is particularly scenic and offers hikers a variety of experiences. The trail starts near the Fethiye harbor and takes you through the charming village of Faralya, known for its panoramic views of the Butterfly Valley. Along the way, you'll encounter ancient ruins, secluded beaches, and traditional villages.

3. Difficulty and Duration: The Fethiye Lycian Road Hike is considered a moderate to challenging trail. The difficulty level varies depending on the specific sections and terrain. Some parts of the trail involve steep ascents and descents, rocky paths, and uneven surfaces. The duration of the hike depends on your pace and the distance you cover each day. It's recommended to allow at least a week to hike the Fethiye section of the Lycian Way.

4. Waymarking and Navigation: The Lycian Way is well-marked with red and white painted signposts along the trail. These markers guide hikers and help with navigation. However, it's advisable to carry a detailed trail map, guidebook, or a GPS device to ensure you stay on the right track. Some sections of the trail may require extra caution and attention to waymarking.

5. Accommodation: Along the Fethiye section of the Lycian Way, you'll find various accommodation options. These include guesthouses, small hotels, and campsites located in villages or near the trail. It's recommended to book accommodations in advance, especially during the peak hiking season.

6. Supplies and Water: It's essential to carry enough water and supplies during the hike, as some sections of the trail may not have access to facilities or shops. It's advisable to pack lightweight, quick-drying clothing, sturdy hiking shoes, a hat, sunscreen, insect repellent, and a first aid kit. You can replenish your supplies in villages along the way or at designated water sources.

7. Weather Considerations: The Fethiye Lycian Road Hike is best undertaken during the spring (April to June) and autumn (September to November) when the weather is mild and the landscapes are lush. Summers can be hot, and winters may bring colder temperatures and rain. It's important to check the weather forecast before starting your hike and be prepared for changing weather conditions.

8. Safety Precautions: Hiking the Lycian Way requires a reasonable level of fitness and preparation. It's recommended to inform someone about your hiking plans and expected itinerary. It's advisable to hike with a partner or a group, especially in remote sections. It's also crucial to be aware of your surroundings, follow safety guidelines, and respect nature and local communities.

9. Getting to Fethiye: Fethiye is accessible by air, with Dalaman Airport being the nearest international airport. From the airport, you can take a taxi or a shuttle bus to reach Fethiye. Alternatively, you can reach Fethiye by bus or car from other major cities in Turkey.

The Fethiye Lycian Road Hike offers an incredible opportunity to immerse yourself in the natural beauty and ancient history of the Lycian region. It's a challenging yet rewarding experience that allows you to explore stunning landscapes, discover historical sites, and connect with the rich culture and traditions of this part of Turkey.


The Fethiye Lycian Road Hike is a scenic trekking adventure that takes you along the ancient Lycian Way, a famous long-distance hiking trail in Turkey. This hike offers a unique opportunity to explore the stunning landscapes of the Fethiye region, including picturesque coastal views, rugged mountains, and historic ruins.


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